Art & Design
Art provides a unique and vital part of the curriculum. It should be accessible and enjoyable for every student. Art has the potential to provide links with home, school and the wider community and is of particular value to students with emotional and learning difficulties.
Art is a unique form of visual communication that enhances the school curriculum. It provides a platform for personal expression and emotional development. Positive interaction with art can increase pupils’ competence as learners and promote their self-esteem.
As an integral part of culture, past and present, art helps pupils understand themselves, relate to others and develop their sense of cultural heritage, forging important links between home, school and the wider world. Learning Art develops students’ critical skills: their ability to appraise artworks and make informed decisions. Art increases self-discipline, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment.
The creative industries in the UK have a long and successful history of global trading. It is a huge international success story, delivering over £27bn of service exports in 2016 (11 per cent of all UK exports). A growth strategy, developed by UK industry in partnership with Government, aims to increase creative services exports to £31bn in 2020.
Further details of the curriculum can be downloaded below.