Careers Education
Careers education is about inspiration and aspiration as much as advice.
The central aim of Harris Academy Battersea is to provide effective education and training for all of our students. Through a well-structured and highly effective programme of careers education, we believe that all can achieve both in school and in adult life.
Our careers lead is Matthew Ogunleye m.ogunleye@harrisbattersea.org.uk, 0207 622 0026 (ext 4329). You can also contact:
- Keally Baldwin: Careers Advisor keally.baldwin@harrisfederation.org.uk
- Chris Edwards: Assistant Principal for Personal Development c.edwards@harrisbattersea.org.uk
- Steve Hinz: Vice Principal for Quality of Education s.hinz@harrisbattersea.org.uk
- Charlie Comerford: Head of Academy M.Vlaykova@harrisbattersea.org.uk
- Lesley Tannock: Harris Federation Careers Lead lesley.tannock@harrisfederation.org.uk
Careers - Unifrog tasks for Years 7-13
Year 7-8 - Library Treasure Hunt
Years 9-10 - Talking About Your Activities
Careers Corner newsletter
Click HERE to download Issue 16 - Years 7-8
Click HERE to download Issue 16 - Years 9-10
Click HERE to download Issue 16 - Years 11-13
These are all previous issues of the newsletter can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.
HABS Unifrog – how to log on
It's never too early to start thinking about your career. That's why all pupils in Years 7-13 have access to the Unifrog platform, designed to support them in making the most informed decisions about their futures.
Unifrog has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each pupil has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations.
Pupils access the platform by clicking a link in their welcome email, where they create a password and can begin using the platform. They login to Unifrog using their school email address (ending in @harrisbattersea.org.uk) and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Download our 'How To Log Into HABS Unifrog Guide'.
Key features of Unifrog
Exploring pathways
Explore pathways using personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, MOOCs (online courses) and webinars. Explore what subjects you would be interested in studying and how these choices can lead to different career paths and higher education.
Recording what you have done
Self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills.
Searching for opportunities
Search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships, universities (in the UK and abroad), FE, virtual work experience and much more.
There are also tools to help pupils build applications for a range of pathways (e.g., CVs, Personal Statements, Common App Essays).
Labour market Information
When considering future career options it’s important to have a good understanding of the employment prospects within that industry, ie. is it a growing or declining sector?
Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.
Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.
Useful resources for students
UCAS – Further Education – Sixth form, college and apprenticeships
Find an Apprenticeship – Government website for apprenticeships in England
Informed Choices (Russell Group) – Helps you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities
National Careers Website – Speak to an adviser by calling 0800 100 900
GCSE choices and University – Tips to pick the right GCSE subjects
BBC Bitesize Careers – Find advice from people who've found the right path for them
Prospects – Look at different job profiles, search by sector or by job title
Do it – Volunteering website for lots of different industries, not just charities
Finding yourself work experience during holidays
Take advantage of the summer and other breaks to take part in work experience. Click HERE to download our presentation about work experience, how to find it, and how to make the most of it.
Support for parents
In this section we'll add some useful resources for parents and carers who are looking to support children as they explore their options.
Apprenticeship Information Pack for Parents/Carers - find out more about apprenticeships and the many opportunities on offer.
Parents’ Guide to National Careers Week - provides parents with the information they need to help their teenage children make the right choices to create successful futures after GCSE and sixth form.
Our approach to careers education
By working in partnership with external agencies, businesses and members of our community we will provide accurate and focussed careers information, advice and guidance tailored to the individual needs of our students, and thereby enable all of our students to make informed choices about their career pathways.
All students are entitled to a careers programme that helps them access information and guidance about higher education, training and employment opportunities, as well as developing their personal and enterprise skills to improve their employability.
Students will hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
They will benefit from a curriculum rich in information about careers and the world of work - and one which challenges stereotypes and discrimination, and promotes equality and diversity in training and in the workplace.
You can download our Careers Policy from the Teaching and Learning page of our website.
Gatsby Benchmarks
We are working towards a programe of careers education that meets all the Gatsby Benchmarks - a framework of eight guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges.
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Careers Team
The careers team at Harris Academy Battersea is:
- Chris Edwards, AP for Personal Development
- Matthew Ogunleye, LP for Careers
- Keally Baldwin, Careers Advisor
You can download our Careers Policy from the Teaching and Learning page of our website.